Gamlingay Green
A Gift of Green Space to Gamlingay
The land could be considered for:
9 acres of new green space
2,500 tree’s, an arboretum
Community owned ‘Walled Garden’
New walking routes
Cycle path’s
Wood view areas
Sport, Health & Wellbeing:
The gift of land could be considered for a multitude of amenities in Gamlingay:
Indoor and outdoor all year round gym
Sports pitch x1
Tennis/Netball Court
Cycle hub
Village green for clubs, societies, fetes, concerts, events and shows, local food produce, pop-up market events, and local shop collections.
The Richardsons own the majority of the land. Family owned by their Grandfather who lived as a tenant in East Lane and worked the land for market gardening. The land has been in the family for around 100 years.
No options, no agreements, no land promotion contracts exist with developers. It is a local resident owned field with two local families owning the remaining, Gilbert, & Wrights.
To see how the land might be transferred into the secure hands of Gamlingay, see our News article HERE on the option of Community Land Trusts.
The transfer of land, 95% of the area, will protect this area as usable green space forever by transferring it into the custodianship of Gamlingay. Development will never, ever happen and the “gap” between the Cinques and Gamlingay remains for all time.
The scheme is the complete opposite of “anyplace” planning and development, i.e. placing large-scale standard houses in inappropriate locations not befitting Gamlingay. Based on exemplary guidance: Hana Loftus, “Growing Villages - How should village growth be shaped in rural areas?”
It is based on a vision that is current and historically informed. It is “on the ground” knowledge by people and families who live, work, and were raised in the area; Gamlingay residents and historical Gamlingay families. Not individuals, a top down committee, or a large scale developer.
The concept and need should be decided by local people and then reputable national organisations, ensuring an inbuilt structure for the long-term management of the space. The most important people are residents, thereafter clubs and groups who strive to make Gamlingay better and greener.
The green will have numerous natural facets; birdwatching, recreation, gardening, swales for aquatic life. It will restore nature and wildlife to the area, creating a great accessible place for all at a time of a declared climate emergency by both Gamlingay Parish and South Cambs District Councils.
It balances viability, practicality and longer term wider community benefits for local people. Green spaces for wellbeing and enjoyment and immediate benefits to East Lane residents via new discreet visitor/resident parking and promoting safer speed limit in Cinques .